Saturday, June 25, 2016

Day Two: Vatican City

We started today at Vatican City. Our tour through the Vatican museums, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica lasted about three hours. I remembered most of it from when I went two years ago, but I forgot most of the information. The students were so excited that they took probably 200 pictures of different statues! Shockingly, no students try to break the rule of no photography in the Sistine Chapel...but the parents did! I had to give my best judgmental stare down to some parents in the other group. 

Our tour ended at St. Peter's Square. We had another hour to take pictures, get gelato, and shop. I opted to try a slushy instead of gelato--and it was delicious! It was a raspberry and lemonade mix! Of course it could of tasted terrible, but as my face was melting in the Roman heat, it was just what I needed!!!

(Pope's Balcony)

We got back on our tour bus and most of the group was dropped off for their catacombs excursion. My group ended up with free time in Rome. I decided that I didn't want them to hang out and see the same places we were at the day before, so I walked them to Circus Maximus (where the Roman chariot races use to be), the mouth of truth, and the Colosseum . We will be going to the Colosseum tomorrow, but we took some pictures outside today. 

We joined the group for dinner at a local pizzeria. They made us a variety of pizzas and kept them coming! It had been a perfect Italian day.....


I ended up having some issues with some students drinking in the hotel room in the evening. I had the opportunity to go into full teacher mode. I ended the night around 1am after phone calls to parents, EF, and a room search. Needless to say, I was exhausted and that is why this blog is a little late! Sorry!


  1. Hopefully that will be the end of behavior issues!

  2. Did you pull the Roman Holiday trick at the Mouth of Truth? You know I would have!
