Saturday, June 20, 2015


This afternoon we traveled to Munich, known to Germans as München. It was named because of the monks that use to live in Old Town. 

Dad arrived today! EF dropped him off at his hotel so that we could settle in while we were driving to Munich. We met up at Marienplatz. 

We started the day with some free time. One of the other leaders wanted to go over to the Hofbräuhaus. This is a famous beer tavern. The people dress in traditional dress and there was a band playing music for everyone. It was packed--there wasn't an open table anywhere! 

We went on a bus tour at 3. It started raining at this time, so it worked out well. She drove us by Olympic Park, but I could only get a picture of the tower. We got to go into BMW World for awhile. They let you sit it various cars and take pictures. We chose the Mini Cooper for Joe :) 

During our free time today, we searched for some typical German pastries. I found the apple strudel, and later we shared some pretzels. 

Our hotel is a cute little country hotel. Dad likes the river that runs behind it. He is using his last few minutes this morning to take some pictures of it. 

We are headed to Innsbruck today. We have 2 hours there, but the rest of our time will be driving today. We will be in Venice tonight.