Monday, June 22, 2015

Ciao! Ciao! Ciao!

Today our adventures took place in Venezia (Venice for those of you not fluent in Italian, like me...) I have been practicing my Italian courtesies, and I almost have Dad and Rachel Atkinson on board with it. 

We took a beautiful water taxi over to a glass blowing demonstration. I'm thinking of purchasing the's definitely my style haha. 

The taxi took us over to the main land. We started with a walking tour and then moved to the gondola ride. I enjoyed this one more than last year's. Dad commented on the experience saying, "It exceeded my expectations. I was overjoyed that I got to cruise down the Grand Canal." (I might be paraphrasing.)

After the gondola ride, we went in search of a traditional Italian pizza. Dad ordered a spicy salami pizza (their version of pepperoni) and Rachel A. and I shared a Margherita pizza (cheese). 

We then went to Doge's Palace for a walk through. I bought a book about how Casanova escaped from the prisons there. We were able to walk through the Bridge of Sighs, which was an interesting experience. 

This is me last year and this year at the Bridge of Sighs! 


  1. I love the gondola picture!

  2. was your pizza from rossopomodoro?

    1. It was from the nearest pizzeria I could find haha. It was right beside the Rialto Bridge
