Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Germany, Day 3

Today was pretty similar to yesterday. Training, lunch, training, interesting dinner experience.

For lunch we went to our first actual German restaurant. The menu was completely undecipherable so I just went out on a limb and got what the Concept Laser guys suggested. It was some sort of pork with bacon and vegetables... Schwinebraten I think, and some potato dumplings which were just balls of mashed potato, but better (to me at least). There was also a side of red sauerkraut but I wasn't to keen on that.

During training I got to start the machine for the first time. Out of the 6 of us they all nominated me to go first so it was a little stressful... The two Spaniards we're trying to help, but that only made it more confusing. I got it started, so it all worked out.

At 4:00 we all left to go on a "walk." It ended up being a hike up a mountain! (well foothills...) We got some nice views of the city from the top. Luckily I thought to bring my camera. After a full hour of pretty intense hiking, we went to dinner. It was another German restaurant, but I wasn't feeling too adventurous so I just got the "filetsteak." I didn't need a translator to figure out what that meant...

Now I'm back and ready for bed... after I read about the iPad 3 announcement :-p

A view from our hike...



  1. Tomorrow night try this: Woher bekomme ich gebratenen Fisch in dieser gemeinsamen? (Can I get any fried seafood in this joint?)

  2. Isn't is amazing how there is no trash anywhere!

  3. Haha someone cleaned out their apartment last night and the parking lot is full of trash! But yes, there is hardly any trash... Lots of graphitti on autobahn bridges though, kinda weird. Dad, didn't get a chance to try that one out, i'd probably get stuck with octopus if I did.
