Friday, January 16, 2015


Hello all! I made it to Madrid this morning around 8AM. They immediately loaded us into a bus and took us to our hotel. We only were there for an hour to drop off our luggage. Then all 50 jet lagged participates slugged our way to the center of Madrid. 

We had 3 hours to walk around Puerta de Sol. I took some pictures, shopped, and of course had to try out a Spanish McDonalds. 

We continued to walk a few more miles to the Prado Museum. Here are some pics I snapped along the way. 

This is what their street signs look like. 

There are still Christmas decorations everywhere. 

These creepos stalk you all over. 

The Prado Museum. I am currently taking a break in the cafe. After our museum visit, we are having a welcome dinner and then off to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great first day✈️🏨🚎👟👟👟😴
