Monday, May 27, 2013

A plant post-- 
These thistles are everywhere and they are so pretty. 
 There were several of these trees at our first hotel---they look like mimosa leaves but the flowers are big clusters like hydrangeas, only bright orange.
 These hollyhocks were out in the middle of nowhere.
 These pansies were in the garden at a church.
 We've seen lots of sunflower fields, but every time we see one I don't have my camera ready!
 This is the herb garden at our first hotel.


  1. Not sure if this will work to fix the language issues, but try it out. Open up (You should be logged in already, but if not, login). In the upper corner there is a gear and next to that is a dropdown box for language. See if you can change it to english from there. Enjoying all the posts!

  2. Ok, well went ahead and changed mom's default language to english, but i couldn't login to dad's
