Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Break 2013- Richmond, VA

Over Spring Break, Joe and I decided to travel to Richmond, VA for a little historical field trip. We started by visiting St. John's Church. This was the church where Patrick Henry delivered his "Speech to the Second Virginia Convention" (which I happen to teach to my Juniors!)

Next on our itinerary was the Edgar Allan Poe Museum. I had high hopes for this museum; however, we were severely disappointed! It consisted of a small honorary garden, a scale of Richmond pointing out where Poe's houses would have been (if they still existed), and a room of Poe inspired art work. The gift shop was fully of "scary" keychains, coffee mugs, magnets, etc. So...we moved on to the Holocaust Museum.

I had been to the DC and Detroit Holocaust museums, but I heard the Richmond one was unique because each room was created to be similar to a Holocaust experience. When you enter the museum, you walk down a German railroad track. It allows you to travel into about 20 different rooms. Each room is different--one is a concentration camp living quarter, a crematorium, a gas chamber, a cattle cart, etc. It definitely provided a different perspective! 

For the last part of our trip, we experienced some Civil War history. We visited the American Civil War Center located on the James River. We didn't do much here except enjoy the scenery and the beautiful weather! 

We ended our trip at the Hollywood Cemetery. We were able to drive to the graves of former presidents James Monroe and John Tyler- and President of the Confederate States Jefferson Davis.

Overall, we had quite a lovely experience in Richmond!


  1. Nice post, Rachel! Mom

    1. I'm working on the savannah one. Hopefully it will be up later this week :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Nice post and trip summary. Good reviews for future trip planners - like me!
