Tuesday, July 1, 2014

When in Rome...

This morning we got up and headed over to the Colosseum for a guided tour. Our guide was very interesting--he gave us a lesson on how to spot pick pockets. Our tour was kinda rushed, but we had time to take some lovely pictures! 

And then we stopped at the Roman Forum 

We had a free day after that tour. Laura and I thought we could easily navigate the metro and travel all over the city..2 hours later we had made it back to the trevi fountain (not even where we were trying to go). I was pretty hangry at this point (hungry + angry) so we stopped and got another plain cheese pizza. Luckily Rome has lots of gluten free places for Laura to eat at! 

Laura wanted to find the synagogue in the Jewish quarter because she had some relatives buried there. After another 2 hours in several different directions, we found the synagogue...only to be told that the cemetery was not near there. Here are some pics we took along the way. 

Circus Maximus:

Trajan's pillar: 

1 comment:

  1. Did they have people dressed up in costumes outside the colosseum ?
