Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tonya's visit :)

Tonya is going to come during the week of Meagan and Shelby's Spring Break.  Right now she is planning to be here the 7th through the 10th of April.  Marty is working so it will just be Tonya and Meagan and Shelby.
I think Sue and Odis were planning to come here the next weekend but they may change their mind and come when Tonya does if they don't already have other plans.


  1. I am super impressed that you posted this Mom. I am also highly entertained that you used a smiley face. :)

  2. Just trying to show off my tech skills.

  3. We have the baby shower for Pat and Heather on that Saturday, but we should be able to be there all day Sunday. Are they leaving Sunday or Monday?
